
William Noll

William Noll

Ethnomusicologist, cultural historian, co-founder of the NGO “Oral Research Center”. Researcher at the Institute of Ukrainian Studies at Harvard University.
In the 1990s, the American ethnomusicologist William Knoll lived in Kyiv and worked at Kyiv University. Shevchenko and Kyiv Conservatory named after Tchaikovsky.

Having founded the NGO “Center for Oral History and Culture Research”, he coordinated the collection of an archive of musical practices from rural instrumental performance in various regions, women’s singing groups (ritual singing) to kobzars and lyreniks. He also conducted ethnomusicological research in Poland, Slovakia, and Moldova, as well as among Ukrainian American musicians in Philadelphia.
The author of the monograph “Transformation of civil society. Oral history of the Ukrainian peasant culture of the 1920s-30s” and numerous studies on the traditional music of Eastern Europe.


1972 – B.A. in music, Indiana University, Bloomington. Major subjects:  music composition and theory. Minor subjects:  woodwind instrumental performance and jazz studies.
1973 – Courses in social and cultural anthropology, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec.
1977 – M.A. in ethnomusicology, University of Washington, Seattle. First area of concentration:  Japan and East Asia.  Second area of concentration:  Eastern Europe and lands formerly in the USSR.
1986 – Ph.D. in ethnomusicology, University of Washington, Seattle.
First area of concentration:  Eastern Europe and lands formerly in the USSR.
Second area of concentration:  Japan and East Asia.

Dissertation:  Peasant Music Ensembles in Poland:  A Culture History.

Academic Positions

1984-1985  Visiting Assistant Professor, Oregon State University. A one-year fixed-term appointment substituting for absent tenured faculty.
1986-1987  Visiting Assistant Professor, The Colorado College, Colorado Springs.
1987-1988  Visiting Assistant Professor, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH.
1988 – Research Fellow, Harvard University.  Research of nineteenth and early twentieth century ethnographic and musicological sources from Ukrainian, Polish, Belorussian, and Russian lands.
1988-1989  Visiting Assistant Professor, Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT.
1990 – Visiting Assistant Professor, Harvard University (summer).
1990-1992  Academic Coordinator, Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute. An administrative position.
1992-1994  Research Associate, Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute, non-salaried.

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1993-1994  Lecturer, Kyiv University, Ukraine (February 1993 to June 1994; from September 1993 as a Fulbright Scholar).
1994-1996  Lecturer, Tchaikovsky Music Conservatory in Kyiv (as a Fulbright Scholar).
1993 – present  Director of the Center for the Study of Oral History and Culture, a private, non-profit organization incorporated in Kyiv, Ukraine.
1998-1999  Member of the Program Council (Culture) for the International Renaissance Foundation.

Courses Taught (1984-1996)

Music and ethnography in Ukraine and Eastern Europe; peasant music in Eastern Europe; a social history of blind peasant musicians in Eastern Europe; the economics of music patronage; survey of world music cultures; folk music in Europe; graduate seminar in  ethnomusicology theory and method; undergraduate seminar in ethnomusicology theory and method; music in Japan; music in Latin America; folk music in the United States; history of jazz; music appreciation; beginning music theory.

Fieldwork and Other Research

1974-1975  Studies on shakuhachi (a Japanese end-blown flute) with master musician from Tokyo, Araki Kodo V (in Seattle).
1980-83  Fieldwork and archival research in Poland for the doctoral dissertation; including taping field recordings and collecting oral histories from 200 elderly village musicians (two and one-half years).
1989 – Research in Warsaw, Poland on the history of Polish ethnomusicology (two weeks).
1989-1999  Fieldwork and archival research in Ukraine on regional village music of the past and present; also, research on the social and musical history of the blind rural musicians of Ukraine; the history of state patronage of music.
1990 – Fieldwork in Moldova in villages among various groups:  Ukrainians, Romanians and Gypsies (ten days).
1990 – Research in Poland on the structure of state music patronage; interviews with Ministry of Culture officials and others in the state bureaucracy for arts and social sciences (three weeks).
1990 – Archival research in Slovakia on history of Slovak and Ukrainian ethnomusicology.

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1992 – Fieldwork in the Philadelphia area among Hutsul (Ukrainian) American musicians (two weeks).

Fellowships and Grants

1980-1982   A two year fellowship for dissertation research in Poland; part of an exchange program between the University of Washington and Warsaw University.
1982-1983  National Resource Fellowship, graduate studies in Polish.
1983 – A grant from the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, for fieldwork and other dissertation research in Poland.
1983 – Research Fellowship from the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN) in Warsaw; to support dissertation research.
1984 – W.W. Stout Endowment Fellowship, to support the completion of the dissertation.
1987 – New Language Fellowship from the Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute (HURI).
1988 – Post-doctoral Fellowship, Harvard University, and a grant from HURI.
1988 – IREX Developmental Fellowship.
1989 – IREX Development Fellowship to study the Russian language.
1989-1990  Academic Exchange Fellowship from IREX, to support post-doctoral research in Ukraine.
1990 – Grant from the Moldovan Academy of Sciences, for fieldwork.
1990 – Grants from the Academy of Sciences (Kyiv) and the Harvard Ukrainian Studies Fund to participate in the first International Congress for Ukrainian Studies (August/September).
1991 – IREX travel grant to read a conference paper and to lecture at the Lysenko Music Conservatory in L’viv (March/April).
1992 – A grant from the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences to conduct research in eastern Ukraine on the history of the blind minstrels.
1992-1995  Grants to bring to Library of Congress and to restore and copy wax cylinders from Kyiv (housed at IMFE), recorded in the field in Ukraine in the early 1900s; funding by LC, private donors, and the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences. William Noll c.v. p. 4
1993-1995  Special Projects Grant from IREX to organize and direct systematic survey-based fieldwork as well as archival research by a team of ten Ukrainian scholars; on the collectivization of agriculture and village culture in eastern and central Ukraine (1920s-30s).
1993-1996  Fulbright Scholar for three years:  in 1993-94 lecturer/researcher at Kyiv University, and in 1994-95 and 1995-96 at the Tchaikovsky Conservatory in Kyiv.
1998 – Grant from the American Embassy in Kyiv, made to the Center for the Study of Oral History and Culture, Kyiv.

Selected Papers and Presentations

1984 – “Nationalism, Regionalism and the Mass Consumption of Music Folklore in East Central
Europe,” a paper read at the national Society For Ethnomusicology conference in Los Angeles.
1986 – “An Equivocal Regionalism of Peasant Music Practice in Polish lands,” a paper read at the national Society for Ethomusicology conference in Rochester, NY.
1987 – “Diversity Through Time: Periodization, Historiography and Ethnomusicology,” a paper
read at the pre-conference seminar, the national Society For Ethnomusicology conference,
Ann Arbor, MI.
1989 – “Muzychne doslidzhennia v Ukraini z amerykans’koi perspektyvy” [“Music Research in
Ukraine from an American Perspective”], a lecture for faculty and staff at the Ryl’s’kyi
Institute of Art, Folklore and Ethnology, Kyiv.
1990 – “Paralel’na kul’tura na Ukraini v period stalinizmu” [“The Parallel Culture in Ukraine in
the Stalinist Period”], a paper read at the First Congress of the International Association for
Ukrainian Studies, Kyiv.
1990 – “The Seminal 90’s: A Comparison of Ethnomusicological Research in Ukraine in the
1890’s and the 1990’s,” and “From a Social History of the Village Musician: Muzykant,
Kobzar and Lirnyk Before and After Collectivization,” two papers read in a series sponsored
by the Huculak Chair of Ukrainian Culture and Ethnography, University of Alberta.
1991 – “Ukrainian Ethnographers as Participants in the Construction and Administration of
Soviet Rural Culture Policy,” a paper read at the Symposium on Cultural Studies of the Soviet
Union, Department of Anthropology, Columbia University, New York City.
1992 – “The Role of Szlachta and Peasant in the Development of Regional Village Music
Practices,” a paper read at the International Congress of the Polish Institute of Arts
and Sciences, Yale University.

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1992 – “Music, Life and Death Among the Village Bards of Ukraine,” a lecture-demonstration
at the Library of Congress.
1993 – “Revival of a Minstrel Guild in Ukraine,” a paper read at the primary conference of the
International Council for Traditional Music, Berlin, Germany.
1994 – “Social Structure and State Patronage of Music in Eastern Europe,” a paper read at the
sixth conference of the International Society for the Study of European Ideas, Graz, Austria.
1997 – “Fieldwork, Questionnaires, and Essential Equipment,” a lecture given at the Institute
of Culture, Kyiv.
2003 – “Murder and Cultural Policy in Ukraine in 1910, 1933 and 1997,” a paper read at the
Central Slavic Conference, University of Kansas, Lawrence.

Selected Publications

1984 – “Regional Peasant Music and Changes in Nineteenth Century Village Performance Practices in Poland.” Pacific Review of Ethnomusicology 1:71-85.
1989 – “Music Context in the Culture History of Rural Poland.” East European Quarterly 23(1):1-16.
1991 – “Stari sil’s’ki muzykanty na Ukraini” [Elderly Village Musicians in Ukraine”] Rodovid 1:37-41.
1991 – “Music Institutions and National Consciousness Among Polish and Ukrainian Peasants.” In Stephen Blum et al, eds. Ethnomusicology and Modern Music History. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 139-158.
1991 – “Economics of Music Patronage Among Polish and Ukrainian Peasants to 1939.” Ethnomusicology 35(3):349-379.
1993 – “Paralel’na kultura v Ukraini v period stalinizmu” [“The Parallel Culture in Ukraine in the Stalinist Period”]. Rodovid 5:37-41.

1993 – “The Social Role and Economic Status of Blind Peasant Minstrels in Ukraine.”
Harvard Ukrainian Studies 17(1/2):45-71.

1994 – “Cultural Contact Though Music Institutions in Ukrainian Lands, 1920-1948.” In
Margaret Kartomi and Stephen Blum, eds. Musical Cultures in Contact: Convergences and
and Collisions, (Australian Studiesin the History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Music, 2).
Sydney: Currency Press, 204-219.
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1994 – “The Role of Szlachta and Peasant in the Development of Regional Village Music
Practices,” Heart of the Nation: Polish Literature and Culture (Volume III of the proceedings
from the Fiftieth Anniversary International Congress of the Polish Institute of Arts and
Science of America). New York: East European Monographs Series and Columbia
University Press.

1995 – “Cylinders Kyiv: Folklife Center Restores Ukrainian Minstrelsy.” Library of Congress
Information Bulletin 54/4:78-79.

1997 – “Selecting Partners: Questions of Personal Choice and Problems of History in
Fieldwork and Its Interpretation.” In Tim Cooley and Gregory Barz, eds. Shadows in the
Field. New Perspectives for Fieldwork in Ethnomusicology. Oxford University Press,

1999 – Transformatsia hromadians’koho suspil’stva. Usna istoria ukrains’koi selians’koi
kul’tury 1920-30 rokiv. [“Transformation of Civil Society. An Oral History of Ukrainian
Peasant Culture of the 1920-1930s]. In Ukrainian. Kyiv: Center for the Study of Oral
History and Culture. 559 pp.

2000 – “Ukraine;” an article in The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music, vol. 8. Europe.
Timothy Rice, ed. New York: Garland Publications, pp. 806-825.